
Monday, July 20, 2020

this is some interesting facts about the cessna F406.

 hello, This reading activity is about the cessna F406.  these are some interesting facts about the aircraft i read about this article and it was very interesting. for our activity we had to make a poster about what we read :)


  1. Hi Ella,
    I really like your background. looks really cool. The Cessna F406 reminded me of this drawing that I did, and it looks just like it. Maybe next time you could make the color of the text black, or a color that we could see it better.

  2. Ella-Rose
    wow Ella i like the back-round and the colours you used. Cessna F406 is a amazing air craft and how it have a very over powered engage and it can go fast. something i wish you could add is . . . . . wait i dont know what you could add because its all there. i hope this helped and have a good day:)


  3. Hi Ella-rose,
    I like the facts you put in. I think that the colours stand out. Maybe next time you could try and trace the plane. Great Job!


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