
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Trip to "Mexico"

 Tomorrow I am going to Mexico for a holiday. I have chosen to visit Mexico because it is the 11th most populated country in the world  and also something very interesting is that Mexico's real name isn't actually Mexico. But I just think it would be cool to go somewhere out of New Zealand. Did you know that Mexico's city is sinking? And it's the home of the worlds smallest volcano anyways I am going to stay in the capital city of Mexico its called (Ciudad de México in Spanish) now that I have told you were I will be staying time to sort out what airline I'm flying with I think that I should definitely buy a ticket for air Canada I just need to see how much it will cost because I am on a budget of 6000 dollars. I will cost me nearly a thousand dollars for my ticket which is not to bad cause I was definitely expecting that

Now I need to make sure I know how to stay safe on an airplane. I need to make sure I listen to all the guidelines I have been on a plane before so I know how to fasten and unfasten my seat belt so I know I'm safe. It's time to pack for my big adventure since I am going for a week i need a ton of clothes, toiletries, phone charger, camera and I will think about what I else I need tomorrow morning so now that I'm all packed up I'm going to see what the weathers gonna be like for the week it's meant to be fairly hot for the week so that's great! 

I'm all set and ready to go.

Ormandy airline

 For this activity we had to create our own airline. I decided to use google slides to create a cover photo for my airline. If you had an airline what would you name it? And why i used my last name for this airline because I thought it would be cool because if I tell people my what my first and last name is then they might say "hey I have flew with Ormandy airline before" or "Ormandy airline had really good service"  but I cant always expect positive comments from people because everyone has there own opinions. Would you fly with ormandy airline? If it was a thing i'm curious let me know in the comments :) 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Halloween drawing.

i decided to put something onto my blog post seen as i had not done one in awhile. mind my fingers 😂 Melissa took the photo well i held it up aha anyways for the pumpkin i outlined it so it popped as you can see its not the best but we will get there 😂 i did a skeleton face with a blue hat for a change because why not. Then i did a spider web with a spider coming down i added the colorful lines for no absolute reason i was just bored so i added it and then it kind of ruined my picture not gonna lie. But that is besides the point have a blessed day Ella out 



Tuesday, September 1, 2020



Monday, August 31, 2020

if stealing was ok


We were learning to get evidence from texts, and form our own opinion. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Imformation from chapter 7&8 :))


My favourite quotes in the story hatchet!

 My favourite Quotes in the story hatchet! 

  1. “Then he crawled back into the shelter and fell again to the sand.”  54 

    2. “For a second, perhaps two, he did not know where he was, was      still in his sleep somewhere.” 55 

    3.”Then  he saw the sun streaming in the open doorway of shelter and heard the close, vicious whine of the mosquitoes and he knew” 55

    4.”The bear made no move to hurt you, to threaten you. it stood to see you better study you, then went on its way eating berries.” 60

    .5”brian found it was a long way from sparks to fire. Clearly there had to be something for the sparks to ignite, some kind of tinder or kindling - but what?” 70 

  6. “The memory was like a knife cutting into him slicing deep into him with hate.” 25

     7.  “ the pain was different now, a tightened pain, and it seemed less - but the sound. So strange, he thought a mystery sound.” 124


8.”in the forest around the rock, he felt his body slipping out and he clawed at the rocks to hold himself 

down.” 126  


9.” The fish spear didn't work he stood in the shallows and waited, again” 


10.” He turned back at his campsite and looked at the wreck age. He had a lot to do rebuild his shelter get 

a new fire going, find some food or get ready to find some food, make weapons - and he had to work slowly 

cause his ribs hurt.” 130