
Thursday, July 30, 2020

hi this here is an activity i have done for reading. so Basically i have drawn a plane and labeled the parts of the plane and added a little sentence underneath about what it is with help of the internet. The main thing i found interesting was the fuselage it holds things together- carry payload i think i could've made my handwriting a bit better and put just that little bit more effort.


  1. Hi Ella, i really like what you have done with your plane and labelling everything, maybe nexttime you could tell us why you did this. Jenayde

  2. Ella-Rose
    i like this post because the photo is very clear and im able to see what the writing says. the colour really does help the picture pop. something i think would help is, the lines that help me know there the peaces of the plane is i would like to see them more clear and not everywhere. over all this blog post is great. have a good day. [ and i took the photo ]

    Bye, Payton

  3. Hello Ella-Rose
    your plane looks really great and so is the description and since you highlighted the words it nice and easy to read but i cant really see the turbine engine so maybe you could out line it, you could also add some more colour to the plane i like the description at the bottom how you told us more about it.

  4. Hi Ella
    This is actually really interesting! although it was hard for me to read the explanations its still really cool i love how you drew the plane and highlighted the words all nice and pretty maybe next time you could write it a little neater of bigger since its sorta hard to read.

    Saraia :)

  5. Hi Ella,
    I really like your blog post about your plane. I like how the description was detailed and told us what you were doing.
    Next time you could write a little neater.
    Great job!!


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