
Thursday, August 6, 2020

3 Brothers and the polar bear.


  1. Hi Ella, this is really cool. How long did it take you to make ? I like how you set out the writing so then its not all bunched up into one tiny paragraph. This reminded me of a book i read a book quite similar. Maybe next time you could explain why you did this slide and if it was for a reading activaty or not. Jenayde

  2. Hi Ella rose!
    I really like your post, it
    is very informational and it
    can help a lot with someone
    who doesn't know what a
    paragraph is, but some of us
    don't know the story so maybe
    you can link somewhere.Also
    it will be good to have a description
    like how you did it or why, and that
    can also be where the link to the
    story goes! Otherwise I love it.


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