
Friday, April 17, 2020

This is my poem about the clouds. Hope you enjoy:)


  1. Hi Ella-Rose,

    The poem you have written is fantastic. I like that you have used the technical names for the clouds. I could never remember the name of the different types of clouds- can you? What gave you inspiration for writing this poem? I like the word wispy that you have used. I can imagine what the clouds would look like byt the choice of that word. I wonder if you could select specific describing words for each cloud so that we can picture the difference between each of the different types of clouds. I like that you have ended each sentence with, The use of repetition has impact. Well done Ella-Rose!
    Mrs Wing

  2. Hi Ella-Rose

    I really enjoyed reading your poem this morning. It reminded me of when I was a girl and we used to enjoy lying on the grass on warm, relaxing summer days watching the clouds go by. Imaginging that we could see different shapes or animals drifting accross the sky. Next time you could add some more descriptive words for the clouds. Excellent writing Ella-Rose

  3. Hey Ella
    I really like your poem It's really creative and makes me think about when me and my sister would lay on the trampoline, look at the clouds and look for shaped clouds like animals or something!! very creative good work!

  4. Hello Ella-Rose, I'm Amelia from Yaldhurst Model School.

    I liked the way you showed a picture of the clouds and had a little smiley face at the end.

    I have a friend called Ella-Rose, how cool is that!

    To improve, you could make it more decorative, like putting the writing in a different font.

    What is a stratus cloud?
    What is a cumulonimbus cloud?

    Cya later Ella-Rose, keep it up!


  5. Kia Ora!
    Wonderful work! :D

    My Name is Maddison I am a year 8 from Yaldhurst Model School.
    I think that this work is amazing and I think that you have done such a good job and that you should be very proud.

    Even though your work is amazing I think there are some small things you could improve on. One thing being writing a little more about what some of these words mean I am assuming they are different types of clouds maybe share some different picture of clouds.

    I love the description you have used!
    What was your favorite part about this.

  6. That cloud looks like it's shaped like a car.
    Where was that cloud?
    Did that cloud stick disconect?


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