
Friday, March 13, 2020

this is my drawing of pania.


  1. Hey Ella-Rose! I love this drawing! Maybe next time you could add some more detail to her face?

  2. that looks good.
    i like it.
    you should turn it 0.0 degrees though

  3. Hi Ella rose. I really like all the colour and detail you put into the drawing! but next time you could say more about who Pania is.

  4. Hi Ella-Rose,

    My name is Milly and I am a year 6 from lochiel school. I really like your drawing. The detail in it is amazing. I also like the colors.
    I love the hair the title lettering is also really cool.

    Maybe next time you could turn your drawing so it is the right way. You could also use capital letters as well as more description for I do not know who Pania is. You could also add a question for bloggers to answer.

    See you,


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