
Thursday, December 12, 2019

So on Tuesday the whole senior syndicate went ice skating. I put my ice skates on and then went on to the ice at the start it was very hard but as i keep skating i got better and better me and then i could skate without holding the wall so at least i achieved something during that time it was an amazing day. Even miss rogers skated on the ice.


  1. Hi Ella-Rose,
    I liked the details you put in, I could picture what was happening.
    It reminded me when I went ice skating with my friends.
    Next time you could either get a picture or draw a picture of you ice skating or something like that.
    Where did you go ice skating?

  2. I like the details and the effort you put into this. I can see what you did without a picture. It was a really fun day. Next time, could you add a picture or something to it?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Ella rose!
    The trip sounded amazing I hope you had fun! Did you take photos? Because if you did you might like to put a photo up next time so there's a photo we can look at instead of just words.


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