
Monday, March 23, 2020

This here is Malala i did a little photo edit not the best i just tried to add some colorful emojis and image on there. as you may know Malala got shot and she survived it which is amazing its amazing to know that even after she got shot she still survived. the reason i added butterflies is because the meaning of butterflies is 'deep powerful representations of life' Malala is doing so well as we speak and i hope she always stays the same. and the reason i added waves is because waves means spiritually: 'spiritually the wave itself represents strong emotions and sudden urge to move ahead in life' and Malala is the definition of all of those strong, kind, caring  and all of the above. she is a strong independent women. 

Featured snippet from the webspiritually the wave itself represents strong emotions and a sudden urge to move ahead in life.

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