
Thursday, August 15, 2019



Today our class room 23 went to the Belfast community center and we had 
nachos with sour cream and water with some cheese Doritos  and it had some
cubed tomatoes .

when we went to belfeast just before we entered we prayed and then took of our shoes
 the servers were Carma, Riley, Bobbi, Tyson.  they gave us some water and served us sour
cream. we ate and in the background there was some flowy music. 


  1. hi good job like your back (layghing)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Ella-Rose.I really like the way you described the food we were served and explained the praire we did.Maybe on your next post use capital letters but besides that it was a good description of our Belfeast.


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